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Master Craftsman Study Group
Several brethren have shown interest in forming a Master Craftsman Study Group for those interested in continuing their Mason Education through the Master Craftsman Program. It will be open to all – those who are, or have enrolled in Master Craftsman, and those that are interested. The tentative plans are to meet at the Scottish Rite Building, one night a month (probably a Wednesday). The mutual exchange of ideas and interests in Masonic knowledge is the ultimate goal. If you are interested, please contact the Scottish Rite office, with you name, address, telephone and e-mail address. Third Degree Team There is renewed interest in the Scottish Rite Blue Lodge Third Degree team. This team will confer the Master Masons Degree in Lodges in our Valley. The initial plans are limited to one conferral per month (usually a Friday or Saturday night) and some travel will be involved. Car pooling will be encouraged. The degrees will be conferred in full form, with complete regalia and costumes. For those that are interested please contact the Scottish Rite Office with your name, address, telephone and e-mail address. Also please indicate what part(s) you would be most interested in, for the first and second sections of the Third Degree. Feast of Tishri The feast of Tishri will be celebrated at the September 13, 2018 stated meeting of the Chattanooga Lodge of Perfection. This is open to Scottish Rite Masons and their wives. Please make plans to attend, and make reservations by calling or emailing the Scottish Rite Office The Cap and Ring Ceremony for the 2018 Spring Reunion class was held at our June meeting. Below is a picture of the brothers who were honored.
October 2024