After dinner, our guest speaker, Ill. Bro. Hoyt Samples, SGIG Emeritus, spoke on the Feast of Tishri and how the Jewish People celebrated the feast. Bro. Hoyt then introduced our honored guest, Ill. Bro. James Cole, Sovereign Grand Commander and SGIG at Large.
Commander Cole spoke at length about his vision for the Scottish Rite and the direction that he anticipates for the Rite during the next years.
After Commander Cole’s speech, the Valley of Chattanooga celebrated the Feast of Tishri and conducted the Toasts of Obligation. After the toasts, the reading of the Mystic Scroll was conducted; this reminds us of the passing of members of our valley during the past year.
After the reading of the Mystic Scrolls Ill. Bro. Terry Plemons led the benediction, and the brothers and their families were dismissed to their homes.
The dinner was attended by 102 brothers and their families, one of the biggest assemblies in the history of the Valley of Chattanooga.